About Sunrise

We envision a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive in a supportive and nurturing environment. Through our programs and services, we aim to break the cycle of poverty and vulnerability, empowering children and families to build a brighter future.

Who We Are

With years of experience in providing specialized care for children and young people with emotional, behavioral, and learning difficulties, Sunrise Support is dedicated to creating a nurturing and structured environment that promotes growth, healing, and positive changes.

 Our team of highly trained and compassionate staff members are committed to delivering personalized care plans tailored to the specific needs of each individual in our care.

What To Expect From Sunrise

Explore the diverse range of programs we offer to support children and families in our community:

compassionate care

Compassionate Care

Holistic support that addresses the physical, emotional, and social needs of children, ensuring they receive the care they deserve.

personalized care

Individualized Care

We develop customized care plans for each child, taking into consideration their personal needs and goals


Educational Support

Access tutoring, school supplies, and scholarships to help children achieve their academic goals and foster a love for learning.

kids health

Health and Wellness

Benefit from regular health check-ups, nutritious meals, and health education to ensure overall well-being.

family involvement

Family Involvement

Strengthen family bonds through parenting workshops, family counseling, and resources to support positive parenting.

therapeauric involvement

Therapeutic Activities

Engage in art therapy, play therapy, music therapy, and more to promote emotional and psychological well-being.

Our Team

Our dedicated team of professionals is passionate about making a difference in the lives of children and families. Each member brings unique skills, experiences, and a deep commitment to our mission. Together, we work to provide the highest standard of care and support, creating a nurturing environment where every child can thrive.

Our Promise

Unique Value Proposition

Long-Term Impact

Tailored long-term placements for lasting impact.

Holistic Approach

Safe, caring, and enabling environment.

Individualized Attention

Specialized support for challenging behaviors.

Get Involved:

We invite you to join us in our mission to support and empower children and families. Whether through volunteering, donations, or partnerships, your involvement can make a meaningful difference.

  • Volunteer:

    Contribute your time and skills to support our programs and events.

  • Donate:

    Your financial support helps us provide essential services and resources to those in need.

  • Partner:

    Collaborate with us to create a greater impact through joint initiatives and programs.

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